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Санкт-Петербург, 71-631-02 № 7403
  Санкт-Петербург 71-631-02 № 7403  —  маршрут 39
Проспект Обуховской Обороны

Автор: Михаил Абрамов · Санкт-Петербург           Дата: 24 мая 2016 г., вторник


Опубликовано 24.05.2016 23:21 MSK
Просмотров — 557

Подробная информация

Санкт-Петербург, 71-631-02 № 7403

Локация:СПб ГУП «Горэлектротранс»
Депо/Парк:Трамвайный парк № 7
Заводской №:4
Текущее состояние:Не эксплуатируется
Начало работы:28.12.2012

• С 23.05.2015 по 10.2015 г. командирован в ТмП-8
ДТП 22.01.2018 г.
Возгорание на крыше 21.03.2024 г.


• Тяговое э/о "Канопус"

Комментарии · 11

25.05.2016 21:19 MSK
Фото: 980
Now, you are getting very good trams in St. Petersburg! I am very happy for you.

On a visit to St. Petersburg, I would enjoy, using one of these or "Vityaz".

I do wonder, is there any route of trams, that is interesting to use as a tourist? A route, with nice scenery and architecture?

I have been to St. Petersburg before, but only use the metro and bus to sea port.

By tram, it is much nicer, because you can view the beautiful architecture and not just see a tunnel.
+4 / –1
27.05.2016 10:54 MSK
Фото: 180
Chto za fignya?! Pochemu nikto ne otvechayet? Chto podumayut inostrantsi o nashey kulturnoy stolitse?!
+2 / –4
27.05.2016 11:32 MSK
Фото: 2
Цитата (Katinka, 25.05.2016):
> On a visit to St. Petersburg, I would enjoy, using one of these or "Vityaz".

You can find them only on route 100 in the far north of the city (between Prospekt Prosveshcheniya and Grazhdanskiy Prospekt metro stations). You can also see other models of modern trams, for example, on route 3 in the city centre (Sennaya Ploshchad metro station) and on route 39 in the south-eastern part of the city (between Novocherkasskaya and Proletarskaya metro stations).

Цитата (Katinka, 25.05.2016):
> I do wonder, is there any route of trams, that is interesting to use as a tourist? A route, with nice scenery and architecture?

First of all these are routes 16, 6 and 40, but the latter two are to be suspended for two years due to reconstruction of Tuchkov Bridge which is to start in June; their part on Vasilyevsky Island will be serviced by a temporary route 5. Route 16 remains.
+2 / –2
27.05.2016 17:30 MSK
Фото: 980
Zitat (ЛВС-90, 27.05.2016):
> Chto za fignya?! Pochemu nikto ne otvechayet? Chto podumayut inostrantsi o nashey kulturnoy stolitse?!

No problem !! I suspect the ones, who read my message and did give "dislikes" or: did not answer are either:

a) not from St. Petersburg and therefore could not give any information.

b) are from St. Petersburg but they are more interested and havve more knowledge about use of Minibus and Taxi and not using tram and therefore - they know not anything about trams!

Information by "massimoling" - thank you very much! Большое спасибо!
+2 / –2
27.05.2016 17:32 MSK
Фото: 2
Цитата (Katinka, 27.05.2016):
> Information by "massimoling" - thank you very much! Большое спасибо!

Bitte sehr :) Не за что :)
+1 / –1
28.05.2016 14:00 MSK
Сергей Мурашов · Санкт-Петербург
Фото: 2385
Транспорт Петербурга можно отслеживать онлайн здесь Если вывести карту маршрута, то при наведении мыши на метку трамвая (или двойном клике по метке) высвечивается его бортовой номер А если зарегистрироваться, то будет доступна история работы каждого трамвая.
+2 / –0
29.05.2016 17:23 MSK
Фото: 980
Thank you, this is very interesting to know, for another visit to the beautiful city. I would avoid the old trams if possible and use the new ones, if it is possible.
+1 / –1
29.05.2016 19:12 MSK
Сергей Мурашов · Санкт-Петербург
Фото: 2385
Цитата (Katinka, 29.05.2016):
> I would avoid the old trams if possible

Не бойтесь, они не злопамятны и вас не укусят за то, что вы их тут нехорошими словами обзывали:)
+1 / –0
29.05.2016 20:22 MSK
Славик · Гамбург
Фото: 41
Цитата (Katinka, 29.05.2016):
> I would avoid the old trams if possible and use the new ones, if it is possible.

It is actually possible to some extent. This means that you would only use tram lines 3, 6, 16, 25, 29, 39, 43, 45, 49, 56 and 62. All the others are equipped with older rolling stock for the greater part. Or you'll have to wait a bit longer each time in order to board a modern tramcar or a refurbished one at least.

But let me suggest you to not bother riding a good old LM-68M, maybe you won't find'em that terrible. I would also recommend line 40 for some sort of a sightseeing ride. Or the historical M line which runs through the inner city just a couple times a day on week-ends and employs heritage tramcars.
+1 / –1
29.05.2016 20:42 MSK
Фото: 2
Цитата (Славик, 29.05.2016):
> 3, 6, 16, 25, 29, 39, 43, 45, 49, 56 and 62

На 49 всё же ЛВС-86 в основном, по сути единственный недообновившийся маршрут в ТП-1. Помнится, пользуясь озвученным Катинкой принципом "избегать старых трамваев" я в свой приезд в Купчино пропускал 49 и дожидался 25 в сторону центра :)

Route 49 actually uses mostly older LVS-86s, being the only route of Tram Park 1* that does not usually employ newer rolling stock (with occasional exceptions). I remember skipping route 49 and purposely waiting route 25 to get to the city centre on my visit to the southern part of St Petersburg, as I used the same principle "to avoid old trams" :)

* Tram Park 1 operates routes 16, 25, 43, 45, 49, 62 in the south of St Petersburg and in the southern part of the city centre.
+1 / –2
29.05.2016 20:47 MSK
Фото: 980
Thank you very much for the additional information on the topic. Indeed you got beautiful "worms" (long articulated trams) that would be enjoyable.

@ S. Murashov:
I see, it might not be always possible to avoid old trams. But, I would survive it!! :))
In such case, an old saying goes: "better a bad ride than a good walk".
+0 / –1

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