TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Tutorial for editors

Some tutorial for editors

I. Part “Подвижной состав и фотографии” = Database

1. Tool [добавить депо] = [add depot] and “ред” = “edit depot”
You can find these tools on the city main page.

Авто = Fill in automatially default values for [tramway|trolleybus|subway|monorail|funicular|translohr]
Номер предприятия = Number (used only for depots order on the city page, not displayed)
Полное название = Full name (in Russian)*
Краткое название для таблиц = Short name for tables (in Russian)*
Полное название (en) = Full name (in English)
Краткое название (en) = Short name for tables (in English)
Диапазоны инвентарных номеров = Number series (not essential)

* — may be also in English, general editors will change it into russian name later

Checkbox “не действует” means “not operating” if marked.

“Примечание” and “Примечание (en)” stand for extra information and are not essential

Button “Отправить” = Submit.

2. Tools “Добавить новое ТС” = “Add new vehicle” and “ред” = “edit vehicle”

You can find these tools on depot fleetlist pages. Each of them opens a new form, quite common to each other.

2.1. Data adding and editing part of the form

Город = City
Предприятие = Depot (Operator)
Номер = Number [!] You can add more than one vehicle with equal data: input here numbers, divided by commas.
Назначение = Service (passenger, service, museum [in this order])
Примечание = Remarks
Дата изменения = Date of the change [DD.MM.YYYY in this order]

Текущее состояние = Current state
Модель = Model
Заводской № = Serial Number
Построен = Built
Списан = Withdrawn (retired or scrapped)
Скрытый коментарий = Editorial comment (unvisible for users)
Информация о ТС = Other information

2.2. Other tools

Далее = Further actions
Редактировать дальше = Continue editing (this vehicle)
Добавить новое ТС = Add new vehicle
Закрыть окно = Close the window after submitting

[Копировать ТС] = [Copy vehicle]
[Объединить с другой записью] = [Join to another entry]

2.3. Tool [добавить номер] = [add number]

This tool is used to add new entries, related to the same vehicle: changes of number, depot, model, etc.

Textbox “Дата изменения” is essential to fill in for the new entry. Default value of the next listbox is “«MM».ГГГГ — как есть”, which means the date is exact. If the date is approximate, then “«MM».ГГГГ(?) — примерно” should be used. And “«????» — не отображать” is used for unknown dates, just with some approximate year to save order of entries (displayed as “????” for users). You don't need to put any extra information of renumberings or other changes to the “Примечание”/“Remarks” line, database fill it in automatically.

For model/serial num/year_built changes you should mark the checkbox “указывать модель/заводской №/дату постройки отдельно для каждого номера”. It allows to choose these parameters separately for every entry.

Though most of the english-named models have the same names in the model list, those, which contain “2-axle”, “3-axle”, “4-axle”, are transformed in the following way:
The first word:
2-axle = Двухосный
3-axle = Трёхосный
4-axle = Четырёхосный
The second word:
motor car = моторный
trailer car = прицепной
The last word stands for the manufacturer's name
Example: “Schlick 2-axle motor car” = “Двухосный моторный Schlick”

[!] Withdrawnal date is only for the final entry, marking retirement or scrapping of the vehicle.

2.4. Tool [Объединить с другой записью] = [Merge with another entry]

This tool is used to merge existing entries of the same vehicle. When you press the button, you recieve a warning that all the data below the horizontal line at the form will be deleted after the operation. Please, make no doubt that essential information of this entry already exists in the second entry. But after you press “OK”, the first form will remain opened for the case if you need to copy information from it.

The first step of the operation: you should choose the second entry to merge by city, type and number (the first block of form) or by database index “vid” (can be found in the address field on the entry's page). When the correct entry is chosen, then you should press “OK”. In case there are some entries with this number you will be asked to choose the correct one once more on the second step. After this, on the third step, you should define dates for number changes (just as in the tool above, but now listed in table for all of the entries). Then you return to the vehicle main form but now it has one more entry.

II. Part “Пользовательский ПС” = Users' data to add and check

This part is divided into two sub-parts.

1. Записи, ещё не добавленные в базу = Waiting for addition or editing

This part contains entries, sent by users, either for adding new or editing existing ones. The first column may contain “добавить”, which is for adding or vehicle model (from exisiting entry), which is for editing. Second column contains links to other cars with such number, third stands for number, then, in order, come city & model, remarks, author & time.

Adding form is similar to form, described before (2.1). Editing form has subform with green background: you may change data with buttons, equal by names to different lines. After editing, make sure that checkbox “Редактору города на проверку” is unmarked and press button [информация учтена, удалить] on the subform. Finally, submit the form.

2. Добавленные записи, требующие проверки = Waiting for checking

All the entries, added or changed by general editors or other administration, come here. You should mark checkbox “Редактору города на проверку” (To be checked by local editor) unmarked to remove entry from the list.