TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Комментарии к BN/ACEC type 6000 8-axle № 6040

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Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд · 17.01.2022 17:42 MSK
Фото: 17712 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
92 years earlier at the same location:
+2 / –0
1173 R · Лейпциг · 23.04.2020 21:31 MSK
Фото: 4442 · Локальный редактор — Александрия, Гарбке, Доха, Калькутта, Лусаил, Шпикерог
Thanks for the information!
+1 / –0
focus1965 · Антверпен · 23.04.2020 15:32 MSK
Фото: 7443 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Бельгия, Великобритания, Франция / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Old tram station... wasn't so old.
The original one dates from 1954 and in 1989 the new building (see photo) was built.
As a result of the complete renovation of the station area, it was decided in 2011 to demolish this then relatively new station and to integrate the tram stop into the existing railway station, which eventually was systematically done in the following years. The station itself was only demolished around 2018, after the new tram infrastructure was put into operation. The reason it all took a long time was that train traffic could never be interrupted and that the railway station had to remain accessible at all times, despite major works such as new entrances, new car park, new bus and tram station, etc. The railway station itself was not demolished until around 2018.
+3 / –0